Archived Colldén Family Trees

Listed here are family trees from various sources some handwritten by family members in Sweden. These are primary source documents for much of the information on the Colldén on the website.

Other family trees require a user name and password because they contain personal information on living relatives. They can be found here.

Question, comments, to contribute additional family trees or to request a user name and password, email me at

Lennart Holmquist


  1. ..
  2. _notes
  3. 1983-ToAllOurKids.pdf
  4. Collden-Barn-Barnbarn.pdf
  5. Collden-Birth-Death-Dates.pdf
  6. Collden-Short-Tree.pdf
  7. ColldenFamlyTree.pdf
  8. Eriksson-Tree.pdf
  9. OlausPetersonTree.pdf