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Heirloom Blue Cloisonne Vase with Lid
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From: Doris Brown
Date: July 17, 2011 7:54:00 PM EDT
To: Lennart
Subject: Re: Blue Cloisonne Vase with Lid
Yes this vase we have had forever too but I am not sure WHERE it originated
We had it in our house in Ventura ,but I dont rememver WHere we got it ??????
It seems to me that it was on my piano in K, but I cant swear to that ,It did have a wooden carved low stand to it ,made out of dark teak . I sure wish that
we had put tape on the bottom of each item ! darn it !
Soooooooooooooo glad that kris made it to N.S. safely , My prayers are with him constantly
mamma you do have the VERY beat pieces tho !!!!!!!! ; 0 )
On 017fridJul0820112005, at 4:29 PM, Lennart wrote:
Hi Mom,
Do you know anything about this cloisonne vase?